How to Display Kids’ Wall Art

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a mountain of your children’s drawings and paintings hidden away in a drawer somewhere. Displaying kids’ wall art is a great way to add personality to a home. Here are 5 easy ways of displaying them.

  1. Use Hanging Frames

Frames hanging above an orange sofa - interior designer home in Halifax

In our lounge, I’ve displayed a piece of artwork by each of my boys. These frames were from Dunelm but IKEA and Matalan also do them at really affordable prices. Use the same size frames and hang them in a row or create a gallery wall with different sized frames. It’s really easy to swap the pictures when you want a change.

2. Incorporate into a gallery wall

Gallery wall above green sofa with gold accents in interior designer home in Halifax

Create a gallery wall of prints or photos and add one of your child’s framed drawings. My eldest boy, Jack, drew the skull picture while he was at primary school. It goes really well with the rest of my prints above the sofa in our open-plan kitchen-diner. You can read more about the transformation of this room here.

3. Use string and pegs

Kids wall art display by an interior designer in a home in Halifax West Yorkshire

This is a great one for a playroom. It’s really cheap and easy to do and you can display lots of pieces. It’s also handy for hanging painted pictures while they’re drying. I used a roll of twine, some 3M command hooks and mini star pegs off Amazon, all for under £15.

4. Use clipboards

Clipboards displaying child's wall art

Another one that looks great in a playroom or bedroom. I bought these wooden clipboards from Amazon and stuck them to the wall using 3M command strips. It’s really easy to swap pictures round when your little one fancies a change.

5. Create a stair gallery wall

Stair gallery.jpg

Frame different sized pictures in IKEA Ribba frames and create a gallery wall on the stairs. Make sure the midpoint of the frames is the same height all the way down (you can use frogtape as a guide). If you want to avoid using screws or nails, hang with 3M command strips. Can you tell I’m a big fan of the 3M Command brand?!

So there you go - five quick and easy ways of hanging kids’ wall art in your home! Hope you’ve found it useful.

If you’re starting an interiors project and need some help or inspiration, please get in touch. I’m based in Halifax, West Yorkshire and I also offer a remote design service.


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